
EventsBOSTANIADA – Pumpkin Festival - Voyages Moldavie

9 July 2019by admin


Bostaniada is a wine-eco-ethno-gastronomic festival. The first edition of the pumpkin festival in Moldova took place on October 28, 2012 in Lozova, being very appreciated by the public. The main objective of this event is the promotion of the national culture and the consumption of the pumpkin which is the symbol of the end of autumn.

This is an opportunity to taste the best of our country, such as pumpkin placinte (pies), various pumpkin products as well as traditional quality dishes, prepared with fresh products. You will participate in interesting competitions, you will listen and dance to the music of guest artists and musical ensembles, and you can even talk to the most zealous pumpkin growers.

You can find out how the festival was in 2018, in the video below.


Dragi prieteni, savurați momentele de la Bostaniada 2018! Mulțumim partenerului general al evenimentului – Consiliul Raional Criuleni, Partenerii Strategici – Ambasada Suediei în Republica Moldova și Proiectul de Competitivitate al USAID Moldova implementat de către Chemonics International.Festivalul a fost organizat sub egida Proiectului „Discover the routes of life”. De asemenea aducem mulțumiri sponsorilor și partenerilor festivalului: Primăria comunei Bălăbănești, Julius Meinl Moldova,Efes – Vitanta, Bere Chișinău, apa La nature și Pepsi, înghețata Sandra, portalul iticket.md, Laboratorul Distracțiilor Științifice Mendelevium, partenerii media Unimedia, Diez.md, Madein.md, Fii Popular, Agrobiznes.md, Modem SRL, Ceramica Iurceni, Asociația „Demetra”, Zooclub.md, Vasile Spînu cu cel mai mare Bostan, companiei Kreyon pentru cele mai frumoase poze și amintiri și echipei Parsec care a dat viață festivalului nostru pe lacul Bălăbănești.Pentru un spectacol minunat mulțumim – Gloria Gorceag și Andrei Porubin, ansamblurile de dansuri și cântece populare din r-le Criuleni și Anenii Noi, 7Klase, Valy Boghean, Trigon, Youth Orchestra și corul Cantabile.Desigur mulțumiri tuturor vizitatorilor pe care îi așteptăm și la anul!

Posted by Bostaniada Festival Etno Gastronomic on Monday, 1 October 2018


Usually the festival awaits you with:

  • Pumpkin dishes and not only.
  • Meals for each taste including for vegetarians and vegans! You can’t go wrong, everything is delicious!
  • Gigantic pumpkin statues and structures.
  • Exhibition of the most unusual and strange pumpkins cultivated by farmers.
  • Concert of indigenous music with the participation of professionals on this theme as well as amateurs.
  • Unforgettable craft fair.
  • A large concert of national music ensembles.
  • Drawing and disguise competition.
  • Games for children and adults.
  • Each year contest – The most Giant Pumpkin.

Does it interest you? Contact us!

Photo Credit © Facebook/Bostaniada Festival Etno Gastronomic

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BOSTANIADA – Pumpkin Festival

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